Along with proper diet, physical activity is also very important to stay healthy. This is the reason why health experts always advise people to remain physically active. We often improve our health through exercise and workout. However, apart from exercise, yoga is also a great way to keep yourself healthy and fit. For the past many years, yoga has been solving many problems of people all over the world.
It not only improves physical health but also mental health. In such a situation, if you want to stay healthy without much effort, then yoga is a great way. However, it is important to keep some things in mind before starting yoga. If you are going to start it for the first time, then you can start it with some easy yoga asanas. In such a situation, today in the article we will tell you about 5 such asanas, which are perfect for yoga beginners.
If you are a beginner in yoga, you can include Tadasana in your routine. To do this, stand straight on the ground with your feet together. Now raise your hands upwards keeping the palms facing each other and stay in this posture for some time. This simple asana improves your posture and alertness.
downward dog pose
To do this asana, first stand straight. Now slowly bend forward and make a V-shape with the body. Stay in this posture for some time and then slowly come back to the previous position. This asana strengthens the entire body. Especially it is considered very beneficial for shoulders, hamstrings and calves.
To do this asana, move one of your legs forward and then bend the knee slightly. Now stretch your arms upwards keeping the palms facing each other. Virabhadrasana strengthens the chest and shoulders as well as the legs and core.
Balasana (Child Pose)
First of all, rest your knees on the mat and then sit with the support of your hips. After this, bend forward and stretch your hands forward. By doing this asana, the muscles of your back, hips and thighs get stretched. This gives you relaxation and also relieves stress.
This is the easiest yoga asana. To do this, lie down on your back and keep your arms at your sides. During this, keep your palms facing upwards. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. This is a relaxation pose, doing which makes you feel very relaxed.