
Lifestyle Desk, New Delhi. Eggs have always been considered a part of a healthy diet. The protein and calcium present in it provides adequate nutrition to the body, strengthens bones and also gives strength to the muscles. However, as soon as summer arrives, people start saying that eggs should not be eaten daily in this season, because its consumption produces heat in the body, which proves to be even more harmful in summer, but should one really avoid eating eggs in summer? Let's know what is the truth-

Keep these things in mind while eating eggs

  • Be it summer or winter, while consuming any type of food, it is very important to keep one thing in mind that it should be consumed in limited quantity. Anything in excess proves to be harmful in any season.
  • Include eggs in your breakfast during summers. The protein and other nutrients present in it provide energy for the whole day and are also digested well.
  • Eating eggs which are rich in iron, vitamins, magnesium, sodium, potassium, folate, calcium and healthy fats helps in keeping the stomach full for a long time, hence those who follow a weight loss diet can also consume it.
  • Eggs boost brain health and heart health, help control blood pressure, and are an important nutrient loaded food for strong bones and teeth.
  • Cholesterol is found in the yolk of the egg. This is the most nutrient dense part of the egg, however, people fear that it may cause heart disease , but the truth is that taking an egg yolk as dietary cholesterol does not cause any heart problems, but if someone's cholesterol is already high then such people should avoid egg yolk.
  • Do not consume more than two eggs in breakfast in summer. Consuming them in limited quantity is always beneficial and provides nutrition to the body in every form.
  • Eggs are hot in nature, but being a storehouse of nutrients, consume them in such a way that your body can reap its full benefits.
