
The problem of increased uric acid becomes common in winters. Many people are unable to tolerate the pain caused by increased uric acid. This is the reason why they take medicines for a long time. However, despite taking medicines, they do not get relief from it.


In winters, the problem of uric acid can ruin your sleep at night. Now in such a situation, we will tell you some yogasanas that will help you a lot in reducing uric acid. If you do these yogasanas regularly, then you can get relief from uric acid very quickly. 


Doing yoga asanas as soon as you wake up in the morning can have many health benefits. Here are 4 yoga asanas that can help reduce uric acid. 


Vrikshasana (Tree Pose):  This yoga asana helps balance the body and increase metabolism, which can reduce uric acid levels. Vrikshasana or Tree Pose is a standing yoga asana. This asana enhances balance, stability and focus. It is an iconic yoga pose that takes its roots from Hatha yoga.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind Releasing Pose): This asana helps in improving the digestive system and removing toxins from the body, which can reduce the level of uric acid. First of all, spread a mat on the ground and lie down on it on your back. After this, bend your knee and bring it to the chest. Similarly, bring the left knee closer to the chest. This will help you a lot in reducing uric acid.


Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): The asana helps strengthen the spine and increase blood flow, which can reduce uric acid levels.


Shalabhasana (Grasshopper Pose): This asana helps improve digestion and eliminate toxins from the body, which can reduce uric acid levels.


There are a few things to keep in mind before performing these yogasanas:

- Do yoga on an empty stomach as soon as you wake up in the morning.


- Perform yogasanas slowly and carefully.


- If you have any injury or illness, consult a doctor before doing yogasanas.


- Apart from yogasanas, follow a healthy diet and lifestyle.
