New Delhi. If you want to lose weight, the first thing that comes to mind is diet and exercise. A healthy diet and regular exercise are considered most important for weight loss. But some people's weight does not reduce even after doing all this. This discourages them, and they stop working out, but here you will be surprised to know that doing intense workouts or exercises with enthusiasm can also increase weight. In such a situation, without getting discouraged, go to the root cause and understand why this happens.
Besides diet and exercise, many other factors are vital in weight loss - like adequate sleep, stress, menopause, other genetic factors, etc. But gaining weight due to intense exercise may seem like a strange thing. Let's know how weight gain can happen even after intense exercise.
Inactive Lifestyle
If you do intense exercise and remain inactive throughout the day and use your exercise as an excuse to console yourself that you have done one healthy thing during the day, then this false satisfaction will not reduce your weight, but will increase it more by sitting or lying in one place.
Other illnesses
Diseases like PCOS and thyroid-related hormonal imbalances are also responsible for weight gain. In such a situation, you cannot lose weight without intense exercise.
Muscle Gain
Intense strength training strengthens the muscles, and consuming adequate protein along with exercising also leads to muscle gain. This increases the chances of weight gain.
Fluid Retention
While doing intense exercise, weight increases rapidly for a few days. If you take more sodium with intense exercise, drink more water during this time. But you are not able to excrete that much in urine, which causes fluid retention to occur and weight to increase.
Use of supplements
If you take any multivitamin or supplement after exercising, it is possible that these can also cause the problem of weight gain.