
New Delhi. Intermittent Fasting Myths: The trend of intermittent fasting is increasing rapidly in modern lifestyle. Today, people have become dependent not only on workouts but also on this type of diet to lose weight quickly. In such a situation, various claims are also seen on social media regarding this diet which is becoming increasingly popular, which many people make the mistake of blindly believing. If you are also considering some myths related to intermittent fasting to be true by seeing reels and posts made with incomplete information, then let us make you aware of its truth.

Skipping breakfast

In intermittent fasting, you can choose the eating window yourself. So, if you do intermittent fasting in the 16:8 window, and have an early dinner around 6 pm, you can start your fasting window right away and have breakfast by 10 am. However, most people choose a window to skip breakfast which is nothing more than a myth.

Everyone can do intermittent fasting

If you also believe that intermittent fasting is for everyone, then this is also a big myth. Diabetics, people suffering from eating disorders, underweight, small children, teenagers, breastfeeding or pregnant women are advised not to do intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting slows down metabolism

Many people believe that intermittent fasting slows down metabolism, but the truth is just the opposite. Let us tell you, intermittent fasting boosts metabolism. During this type of fasting, many hormonal changes occur which help in boosting metabolism.


You can eat anything during the eating window


If you also believe that anything can be eaten in the eating window of intermittent fasting, then you are wrong and this is nothing more than a myth. The eating window is not like a treat or cheat day in which you start consuming processed foods with less nutrition, that is, intermittent fasting promotes healthy food choices.


Frequent hunger in intermittent fasting


In the initial stages of intermittent fasting, you may feel more hungry, but let us tell you that the body starts managing it according to conditioning. With time, this hunger can be easily managed and the body adapts to the eating window.
