Everyone wants to look fit and slim but losing weight is not so easy. Especially if your weight continues to increase then it becomes very difficult to reduce it. Many times people do not get much benefit even after going to the gym and dieting, whereas sometimes some small habits like walking after meals, drinking plenty of water, and doing light exercise can help you lose weight quickly. Can help.
Losing weight and staying fit depends on your lifestyle and making some changes to it. Here we are telling you some methods which can help you in losing 2-3 kg weight in just 10 days.
water intake
Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Water plays a very important role in removing toxins from the body. Drinking water first thing in the morning keeps your metabolism fine. It also helps in stopping your frequent cravings to eat something.
walk after meal
A short walk after meals not only improves your digestion but also helps in burning calories. Research has found that taking a walk after meals also reduces the glucose level in your blood.
Eat more fiber, less added sugar
Increase the intake of vegetables, salads, and soups. Include only vegetables or sprouted grains in one meal. Reduce the intake of grains (wheat and rice) after 7 pm. Eat dry fruits, gram, seeds, or fruits for breakfast. And yes, as far as possible, avoid hard drinks (alcohol) at night.
eat home food
We all have heard our elders advising us to eat home-cooked food. With the busy lifestyle, people are living these days, eating outside is not unusual. However, such food contains high amounts of fat and oil and hence your weight increases with time. At the same time, cooking at home gives you control over ingredients like oil and spices. Therefore, home food is healthy which keeps weight under control.
eat less sugar and salt
Minimize the consumption of things rich in sugar and salt like cookies, cakes, and chips. Sugar increases weight rapidly. Consuming excess salt can cause your stomach to swell and make you feel bloated.
Be sure to engage in at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. The gym is not necessary but you can stay fit with yoga, walking, and light exercise. Light exercise combined with a healthy diet is the best way to lose weight without harming the body. Choose an exercise and routine that fits your schedule.