
Feeding children is a huge task. Due to the changing lifestyle of today, it becomes difficult for parents to promote healthy eating, but for the proper development of a child, it is important to take full care of their diet. Some aware parents pay attention to this, but there are some who give chocolates, muffins, cakes, candy, chips, cookies, donuts etc. to the child as per convenience.

In such a situation, it is important to understand that children can live comfortably without all these, but cannot live without nutrients for proper development. Every part of the body has different needs. Protein for muscles, calcium for bones, Vitamin A for eyes, Vitamin C for immunity, iron for blood and many such nutrients are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. In such a situation, today in this article we will tell you about some essential nutrients for the development of children-



Iron forms haemoglobin, which provides sufficient oxygen to all the organs of the child's body. This helps in smooth functioning of all other body functions and the child remains physically and mentally healthy. For this, include green leafy vegetables, pomegranate and beetroot in the diet.



Calcium is very important for strong teeth and bones . Calcium supply can be fulfilled by including foods like milk, curd, buttermilk, ghee, chickpeas, nuts, seeds in the diet.


vitamin D

This is a fat soluble vitamin which is very important for bone health, hormone production, heart function, immunity etc. For this, let the child play in the sun for some time in nature.


Vitamin A

This is also a fat soluble vitamin, which is very important for the health of the eyes as well as other organs. Children who do not eat carrots, eggs, meat, and green vegetables are at an increased risk of having to wear glasses at an early age.



Zinc is very important especially for school going children . It boosts immunity, controls appetite, is very beneficial for brain and intestinal health. Due to zinc deficiency, appetite decreases. For this, children should eat lentils, beans, (pumpkin, hemp, sesame) seeds, nuts, peanuts, whole grains, almonds, eggs, meat in plenty.
