
These days many people are troubled by the problem of increasing weight (Fat Burn Tips). Due to poor eating habits and inactive lifestyle, people often become obese. Especially belly fat (Belly Fat Reduction Drink) has become a cause of trouble for many people these days. It not only spoils your looks and reduces confidence, but is also harmful for health.


Many scientific researches and studies have shown that increasing weight can cause heart diseases, diabetes and many other health problems. People often do not get time to go to the gym etc. amidst their busy schedule and work. Also, it often becomes difficult to follow the rules related to food. In such a situation, to control your weight and get a slim waist in a few days, you can drink this Night-time Fat Melter Drink. Let's know the method of making it and its benefits-



  • 1/2 inch ginger
  • Fresh turmeric or 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp nigella seeds
  • lime wedge
  • a pinch of black pepper

Method of making

  • It is very easy to make this drink to reduce belly fat. For this, grind ginger, turmeric and nigella seeds coarsely together.
  • Now heat water in a vessel and boil this mixture for 8 minutes.
  • Then add a slice of lemon and a pinch of black pepper to it.
  • Your night time fat melter drink is ready.
  • Drink it slowly while it is still hot, like tea.

Benefits of the drink

  • Ginger used in the drink aids digestion and helps boost metabolism. Studies also show that ginger can reduce body weight.
  • Turmeric contains curcumin , which helps reduce inflammation and prevents the growth of fat tissue.
  • Kalonji seeds are known for their anti-obesity properties and may “help regulate glucose and lipid levels.
  • Rich in vitamin C , lemon aids in detoxification and boosts fat metabolism.
  • A pinch of black pepper present in the drink increases the absorption of curcumin by 2000%, thereby increasing the benefits of turmeric.