
It is okay to live your life freely, but some simple everyday habits can prove to be a slow poison for you. This is because these habits have a negative effect on both our body and mind. Although, initially the problems caused by these habits are not known, but later on it turns into big problems.

In such a situation, both the quality of our life and health are affected. Therefore, it is necessary to improve these habits so that a happy and healthy lifestyle can be adopted. So let us know about some such daily habits, which can prove harmful for you.

Too much sugar intake

Some people are fond of eating sweets and they also crave for it, but eating too much sweet increases the risk of obesity and diabetes. Therefore, consuming less sugar will be better for your health.


Skipping breakfast

Morning breakfast is the most important meal of the day, which provides energy for the whole day. In such a situation, skipping it leads to lack of energy in the body, which makes one feel tired.

Eating too much processed food

Eating too much processed food can also cause serious harm to the body. Due to this, unnecessary fat starts accumulating in the body, which increases the risk of heart related diseases.

Excessive use of smartphone

Excessive use of smartphone can also slowly spoil your health. It increases stress level and weakens social relations.

sitting for long periods of time

Due to work and increasing desk work culture, the sitting time of these people has increased a lot. In such a situation, continuous sitting reduces the mobility of the body and increases obesity.

drinking less water

Drinking less water causes dehydration in the body, which has a bad effect on the skin and the body.

Inadequate sleep

In today's busy, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of adequate sleep leads to fatigue and mental instability.

cigarettes and alcohol

Consuming intoxicants like cigarettes and alcohol has a negative effect on the lungs and liver and can cause related problems.

lack of exercise

Not doing any kind of exercise in daily routine affects both physical and mental health.

TV and screen time

This leads to weak eyesight and reduced physical activity.