
New Delhi. AC Effect on skin:  AC seems to be the only way to escape the scorching heat. That's why people keep AC running in their homes and offices all day long. Its cool air gives us relief from the heat, but do you know that it is not so comfortable for your skin. Let us tell you that staying in AC air for a long time can have a lot of adverse effects on your skin. But without AC, the heat can be more troublesome, so what should be done in such a situation, so that even in AC, the skin gets minimal damage. Let's know what damage can be caused to the skin due to AC and how to avoid them.

Damage to skin due to AC

Skin starts getting dry

There is no moisture in the air of AC, due to which the moisture of the skin also starts disappearing. Due to this the skin feels dry and stretched. Due to less moisture, the skin becomes dry and flaky, lips can crack and dryness also starts in the eyes. Due to dry skin, it looks very withered and dull.


Premature Aging

The air of AC sucks out the moisture from the skin. Therefore, due to the loss of moisture from the skin, the skin barrier also gets damaged, due to which redness and acne can also occur on the skin. The skin barrier helps in keeping the skin tissues tight. Due to this, wrinkles and fine lines start appearing, which is called premature aging, i.e. looking old before age.


Toxins cannot come out of the skin

Sweat not only helps in balancing the body temperature. It also removes toxins from the body. But sweating does not occur in the cold air of AC, due to which toxins are not able to come out, which can damage the skin.

The sensitivity of the skin increases

Staying in AC for a long time makes the skin dry and dry skin increases the chances of allergies and infections. Therefore, there is a greater risk of skin allergies, bacterial infections and acne etc. Due to this, people who are already suffering from any skin condition, their problems can increase further. For example, psoriasis can become more severe due to skin dryness.

The skin's natural oils start to fade away

Due to staying in AC for a long time, the natural oils of the skin start to disappear. Actually, the skin produces less oil in AC air. Due to this also the skin barrier gets damaged and the problem of dryness increases.

How to protect the skin from AC air?

  • Stay hydrated- AC air makes the skin dry. So keep yourself hydrated from within so that the skin gets moisture . For this, drink plenty of water. Also, you can drink juice, coconut water, buttermilk, lassi etc. These also provide hydration to the body.
  • Keep a moisturizer with you- AC air takes away the moisture from the skin. Therefore, keep a hydrating moisturizer with you to moisturize the upper layer of the skin. You can choose the moisturizer according to your skin. Try to have ceramides, hyaluronic acid and peptides in it, so that the skin barrier also remains healthy.
  • Improve your diet- Include foods in your diet that are beneficial for your skin, such as vitamins A, C and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, which are very important for the skin. Therefore, include foods rich in these in your diet, so that skin damage is reduced and the skin remains healthy. Also, include antioxidants, so that it helps in avoiding cell damage.
  • Make changes in skin care- To avoid skin damage due to AC air, it is important to follow a special skin care routine. For this, use gentle cleanser, toner, moisturizer and sunscreen. Similarly, use hydrating serum and barrier repair cream at night while sleeping.
  • Take the help of a humidifier- Due to AC, the moisture in the air gets eliminated, which causes damage to the skin. Therefore, you can use a humidifier so that the moisture in the air remains intact and the problem of skin dryness is reduced.
  • Use AC only when needed- If possible, turn off the AC after two-three hours. The house cools down in this time. Instead, you can use a fan or cooler for some time. This will not make you feel hot and the harm caused by AC will also be reduced.
