
Dengue is wreaking havoc across the country at this time. In view of the increasing outbreak of this disease in Karnataka, it has been declared an epidemic. At the same time, many stars in the entertainment world are also falling prey to dengue. In such a situation, it is important to take special care of some things to protect yourself and your loved ones from this disease. It is especially important to take care of small and newborn babies (Dengue In Infant) in this season. Due to weak immunity, they easily fall prey to this disease. In such a situation, we talked to Dr. Pratibha Dogra, Senior Consultant of Pulmonology at Maringo Asia Hospital, Gurgaon.


 During this time, we learned from the doctor about the warning signs of dengue in newborn babies and some ways to prevent it, so let's know how to identify dengue in your newborn children-

The doctor explains that dengue can be particularly serious in children due to their underdeveloped immune systems. As dengue progresses, it is important for parents and caregivers to recognize its early signs so that the child can get medical help in time. One of the serious symptoms of dengue in newborns is a sudden, high fever, which can reach 104°F (40°C) and often lasts for two to seven days. Along with this, irritability, lack of appetite and fatigue can also be symptoms of this disease in babies.


Severe symptoms of dengue

The doctor also told about some major warning signs of severe dengue, which are as follows-

  • Persistent vomiting
  • Bleeding gums
  • bleeding nose
  • Stomach bloating
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Too much sleep
  • cold, clammy skin
  • Weakening of the pulse
  • Drop in platelet count
  • bruises or small red spots on the skin

If you notice any of these symptoms in your child, immediate hospitalization is necessary. Parents should also ensure that their child stays well hydrated and avoid giving them medicines like aspirin or ibuprofen, as these increase the risk of bleeding.


How to protect children from dengue

Since young children depend on their parents for their safety, here are some simple tips that will go a long way in preventing mosquito-borne diseases in babies.

  • Dress your children fully to protect them from mosquitoes.
  • Use anti-mosquito spray bands and patches on baby's clothes.
  • Keep getting anti-mosquito spray done regularly in the house.
  • Use mosquito nets when babies are sleeping.
  • Remember to spray inside the cars as well, as there are lots of mosquitoes inside your vehicle.
  • To protect babies, use anti-mosquito methods around them.
