
Fast Food Side Effects : Momos, Chowmein and Samosa make your mouth water. Many people spend their whole day on these. If you also do this, then be careful, because all three fast foods may be tasty but eating them can cause serious damage to health. Many types of dangerous diseases can occur due to them. Many organs can also get damaged. If you like any one of these three things, then you should immediately stay away from it. Know which fast food among momos, chowmein and samosa is the most dangerous...

Disadvantages of momos

Momos are unhealthy food. Cabbage is stuffed in it. If not cooked properly, it can also contain tapeworm spores, which are harmful for health. Vegetables and chicken stuffed in momos get spoiled after being stored for a long time, which can be harmful for health.


Mono-sodium glutamate is used for taste in momos, which is like a white crystal powder. This can cause problems like obesity, nerve disorder, sweating, chest pain, nausea and increased heart rate. Apart from this, many chemicals and colors are added to darken the color of the red chutney of momos, which can increase stomach pain, heartburn, acidity and piles. More preservatives and artificial ingredients are added in mayonnaise available in the market. It also contains saturated fats, which can increase the risk of heart disease by increasing cholesterol.

Side effects of eating chowmein

Doctors say that dangerous acid is used to enhance the taste of chowmein, which is very harmful for health. This acid can cause serious damage to the lungs. It can even damage the liver and kidneys. Ajinomoto added to chowmein can have many side effects. It can increase heart diseases, children's health can be affected the most.


why you should not eat samosa

Samosa is a delicious fast food made from refined flour. Refined flour can cause serious harm to the body. Eating it can lead to blood sugar, heart problems or low metabolism rate. Samosas are fried many times. Deep fried samosas can also cause the risk of cancer.

Salt is added to the kneaded flour which can disturb sleep and increase problems like water retention. Eating samosas also increases weight rapidly, which can be the cause of many diseases. Eating it can lead to dangerous diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular.

Which is more dangerous among momos, chowmein and samosa

Health experts say that momos, chowmein and samosa, all three fast foods are liked because of their taste and easy availability, but it is difficult to say which of the three is the most dangerous, because it depends on many factors, such as how all the three fast foods are made, what ingredients are mixed in them and in what quantity, and how much and how it is being consumed.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
