
New Delhi: Increasing weight has become a cause of trouble for many people these days. People often become obese due to sitting on the office chair all day. Increasing weight is the cause of many health problems, but it can prove to be serious in the problem of diabetes. Therefore, a person suffering from diabetes is always advised to keep his weight under control.

In such a situation, the question arises whether rice or roti is better for controlling diabetes weight. If you are also a diabetic patient and are trying to maintain your weight, then let us tell you whether roti is better or rice for weight loss.

Nutrient Content

Both rice and roti are an important part of Indian food. People include them in their diet according to their choice. Generally, roti contains more minerals than rice. However, both roti and rice have high amount of carbohydrates. On the other hand, roti contains more fiber instead of protein , but it contains the same amount of protein as rice.

Due to less fiber in rice, even if you eat a bowl of rice, you start feeling hungry again, because the starch present in it is very easy to digest. In such a situation, roti is a better option for weight loss due to its high fiber content. Let's know why roti is better-

Why is roti better than rice?

If you want to lose weight or have diabetes, choosing roti is a better option.

Rice is a simple carb that is digested quickly and releases glucose in the bloodstream, causing a spike in blood sugar. On the other hand, roti is a low-glycemic index carbohydrate that helps diabetics keep their blood sugar levels under control.

Rotis contain a healthy amount of salt. About 90 milligrams of sodium can be found in 120 grams of wheat and sodium is essential for staying healthy. Also, sodium retains water, which helps in controlling blood fluidity. In this way, roti does not allow blood to thicken, which can cause many heart-related problems.

Apart from sodium, roti also contains calcium, magnesium and potassium in large quantities, which are lacking in rice. Thus, it would not be wrong to say that roti is better for weight loss in diabetes.