
New Delhi. Late Night Eating: Today's life is so hectic that people's schedule from sleeping to eating has been ruined. In this way, not only has the time of breakfast, lunch and dinner changed, but many people also have the problem of feeling hungry at the wrong time i.e. at night, in such a situation, if you do not eat anything, then there is a problem and if you eat, then there is even more problem. Yes, people who have dinner late should definitely read this article. Here we will tell you, how this one habit can make you a victim of many major diseases.


Be it the craving to get up in the middle of the night and eat something or the habit of having dinner late at night. This can make you a victim of obesity very soon. In such a situation, exercise and diet are of no use and the weight keeps on increasing. Let us tell you, eating late at night slows down the metabolism, so avoid doing this as much as possible.


Poor digestion

Food eaten late at night is neither digested properly nor does it provide full health benefits. If you too have this habit, then it is very possible that you too are often troubled by problems related to the digestive system. So if you do not want gas, acidity and indigestion , then avoid doing this and take a short walk after eating.

Blood pressure problems

Eating late can also cause blood pressure to fluctuate. Also, this habit can cause diabetes and cholesterol problems. Let us tell you, if you also eat dinner late every day, then its effects on the heart can be serious and you can become a victim of heart related diseases.

Fatigue and lethargy

Delayed dinner can cause headache, constipation, gas and acidity the next day. In such a situation, even if the food is nutritious, its effect on health is bad and you are deprived of its essential nutrients, due to which energy level also decreases.
