
Dry fruits are a storehouse of nutrition, including them in your diet gives you only benefits. There are many types of dry fruits, which have many benefits and people include them in their diet according to their choice and need. Cashew (cashew health benefits) is one of them, which is very much liked by many people and also provides a lot of health benefits.


Cashews are rich in nutrients, including vitamins K, E and B-complex vitamins such as thiamine and vitamin B6 as well as magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. This is the reason why eating them daily provides not one but 5 types of benefits. Let us tell you how many benefits you get by eating only 5-8 cashews daily (Daily cashew consumption benefits).


Helpful in maintaining weight

If you are dreaming of losing weight , then cashews will prove to be a great companion for this. Eating 5 to 8 cashews daily (30 days cashew khane ke fayde) will help you control your weight. The high dietary fiber and protein present in it keeps the stomach full for a long time.


Control blood sugar

If you are a diabetic patient, then definitely include cashews in your healthy diet. Actually, cashews have a low glycemic index and also have high fiber content, which helps in maintaining blood sugar level .


Beneficial for heart health

Cashews are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which help improve heart health and help lower triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.


Boosts brain functioning

Cashews are not only beneficial for your physical health but also for your mental health. Vitamin E and B vitamins are found in good quantities in cashews. Both these nutrients help in increasing energy, mood swings and maintaining memory.


Make bones stronger

Apart from improving the heart and brain, cashews also strengthen your bones. It contains large amounts of magnesium, calcium and vitamin K, which are essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Not only this, eating cashews regularly also reduces the risk of osteoporosis.