
New Delhi. Uric acid is a natural waste product formed in the body, which helps in breaking down purines. When uric acid dissolves in the blood, it gets out of the body through urine with the help of the kidney. But if the kidney is unable to remove this extra uric acid from the body, then uric acid starts accumulating. This condition is called hyperuricemia. Know important things related to this


Causes of increased uric acid

  • Slow metabolism
  • Inactive Lifestyle
  • More protein and less fat intake
  • Wrong time to sleep
  • drinking less water
  • Kidney problems
  • Heavy Dinner

Problems like gout, kidney stones can arise due to increased uric acid. The good thing is that you can cure this increased uric acid with natural methods and minor changes in lifestyle. In such a situation, you can adopt these 5 methods to reduce uric acid-

Eat high-fibre foods

Foods that are rich in fiber absorb uric acid from the blood and remove it easily with the help of the kidneys. Things like fruits, vegetables, whole grains are rich in fiber.

Avoid foods rich in purines

Uric acid is formed when a protein called purine breaks down. Although uric acid is naturally present in the body, it is also found in some foods such as red meat, mushrooms, baked and fermented products. These cause excessive amounts of uric acid to enter the body and when it is not excreted in the same proportion, the problem of hyperuricemia arises.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Acetic acid is found in apple cider vinegar, which becomes alkaline after entering the body. It is believed that it improves blood circulation and purification by breaking down uric acid crystals and preventing them from forming again, which reduces inflammation in the joints and reduces the symptoms of increased uric acid.

Avoid a high sugar diet

A high sugar diet, especially fructose, increases the level of uric acid in the blood. It also causes insulin resistance, due to which the amount of uric acid excreted through urine decreases and it starts accumulating in the body. In such a situation, avoid eating sugar loaded products like biscuits, cakes, bread, fruit juices.

Moringa Powder

Grind the Moringa leaves to make a powder and consume it with lukewarm water every day before breakfast. The alkaloids and flavonoids present in Moringa prevent the formation of uric acid, act as a pain reliever and relieve the symptoms of hyperuricemia.
