
Health experts often recommend drinking milk. But you will be surprised to know that excess intake of milk or other dairy products can be harmful for your health. Excess of anything can have a bad effect on your health, so you should also avoid drinking too much milk. 

you might have to give and take 

You should definitely include milk in your diet but consume it within limits. According to health experts, drinking 1 to 3 cups of milk can prove beneficial for your health but drinking more milk than this can also damage your health.

Cholesterol level- If you consume more than 2-3 cups of milk a day, your cholesterol level may increase which will invite many diseases. 

Obesity- Consuming too much milk can also make you obese. If you want to control your increasing weight, then you should not include more than one cup of milk in your diet in a day.

Gas/Acidity- For your information, let us tell you that a good amount of fat is found in milk. This is the reason that if you consume it in excess, you may have to face the problem of gas or acidity.

BP problem- Not drinking milk within limits can be the main cause of BP problem. Let us tell you that due to BP problem, the risk of heart related diseases can also increase to a great extent.

Skin related problems- The body is not able to properly digest the complex fats found in milk. This is the reason why if you drink too much milk, you may get pimples on your face. 

If you like to drink milk, then you can include low fat milk in your diet. Low fat milk can save you from all these problems.