Back pain is a common problem that affects many people. This problem can occur due to many reasons, such as wrong posture, lack of exercise, or due to an injury. Yoga is a good way to reduce back pain.
Today we are telling you some yogasanas which can help in reducing back pain. By doing these yogasanas you can get rid of your back pain. Too much pain can create problems for you. Because once the back pain starts, it does not go away very quickly.
1. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): This asana helps in reducing back pain. In this asana, you have to lie down on your stomach and raise your head and chest. Start doing this asana daily in the morning. You will get a lot of benefits from it.
2. Shalabhasana (Grasshopper Pose): Doing this asana helps you in reducing back pain. In this asana, you have to lie on your stomach and raise your legs and hands. That is why it is also called Grasshopper Pose. This asana is very helpful in reducing back pain.
3. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose): This asana proves to be very effective in reducing back pain. While doing this asana, you have to lie down on your stomach and then raise both your legs and hands up.
4. Katichakrasana (Spinal Twist): This asana helps in reducing back pain. In this asana, you have to cross your legs and twist your body to one side.
5. Shavasana (Dead Body Pose): This asana is also called Dead Body Pose. Doing this gives a lot of relief from pain. In this asana, you have to lie on your back and relax your body. Doing these yogasanas regularly can give you relief from back pain. But keep in mind that if you have severe back pain, you should consult a doctor.