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Lifestyle Desk, New Delhi. After a certain age, many people usually start suffering from back pain. About 80% of people have to go through this pain at least once in their lifetime. When back pain occurs, it affects the entire routine, because due to this, even basic movements like getting up, sitting, bending, walking cause pain. In such a situation, most people immediately take painkillers or any medicine. Which gives immediate relief, but as soon as the effect of the medicine ends, this pain arises again.
To get rid of this back pain, it is important to give at least ten to fifteen minutes to your back throughout the day. For this, do some essential back pain exercises, which will give relief from the pain and this pain will end forever. Let us know about 6 such exercises, by doing which you will get quick relief from your back pain–
Cat Stretch
Doing this stretches the back, which strengthens it and reduces muscle tension. It increases the mobility of the spine. To do this exercise, first sit on your hands and feet like a cat. Then like a cat, first move your waist or stomach part downwards and then lift your hips and lower back and move it upwards like a camel. Repeat this cat-camel process several times simultaneously.
Lower Back Rotational Stretch
This exercise supports the spine and reduces tension between the muscles. For this, lie down straight and spread both hands. Lift one leg and try to move it upwards towards the other leg while making a 90 degree angle. After placing the leg back in its place, repeat the same with the other leg. Do this ten to twelve times.
Knee to chest stretch
This increases the flexibility of the muscles of the lower back and hips and provides relief from back pain. To do this, lie down straight and bend your knees together and bring them to your chest. Hold both knees with both hands. Repeat this process 8 to 10 times. This exercise can also be done by lifting one knee and stretching it to the chest.
Pigeon Pose
Sit straight. Slowly take one leg straight backwards. Keep the front legs bent. Fold both the hands and place them on the ground and then place the head on them. During this, the ears should not touch the shoulders.
Back Arch
Lie down straight. Bend your knees and raise your hips. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Then lower your hips and repeat the process again. This is a very easy and effective exercise, which gives great relief from back pain.