New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch 109 fortified, high-yielding, climate-friendly varieties of 61 crops at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute on Sunday. PM Modi will also interact with farmers and scientists during this period. The process of increasing the nutritional quality of plants through biotechnology is called fortification.
The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) on Saturday said that the 109 varieties of 61 crops include 34 field crops and 27 horticultural crops. Field crops include millets, oilseeds, pulses, sugarcane, cotton and other crops. Various varieties of fruits, vegetables, spices, flowers and medicinal crops will be released in horticultural crops.
New avenues of entrepreneurship will open
PM Modi has always encouraged the adoption of sustainable farming and climate-friendly methods. He has also emphasized on promoting fortified varieties of crops to make India malnutrition free. These steps will ensure good income for farmers and open new avenues of entrepreneurship for them.
Emphasis on reducing the use of chemical fertilizers in the fields
The release of 109 high-yielding varieties is another step in this direction. To reduce the use of chemical fertilizers in the fields, the central government has launched the PM Pranam (PM Promotion of Alternative Nutrition for Agricultural Management) scheme.