
Is Dengue Life-Threatening:  Dengue is a viral disease that spreads through the bite of Aedes mosquito. This disease is usually easily cured with proper care, but in some cases it can take a serious form and can also prove fatal. To know in which situations dengue fever can prove fatal (Is Dengue Dangerous), we spoke to Dr. Rajiv Dang (Medical Director of Max Super Specialty Hospital, Gurugram and Senior Director and HOD of Internal Medicine Department). Let's know what he said about this. 


How does dengue occur? (Dengue Fever Causes)

There are four different types of dengue virus. Once infected, a person becomes immune to one type for life but can become infected with other types. Repeated infections may increase the risk of severe forms such as dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) or dengue shock syndrome (DSS).


Symptoms of Dengue (Dengue Fever Symptoms)

Symptoms of dengue usually appear 4-7 days after the fever starts. These include-


  • Sudden high fever
  • Persistently low platelet count
  • increase in leukocytes
  • Headache
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • muscle and joint pain
  • Tiredness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Skin rash


Its serious symptoms include bleeding, fluid accumulation in different parts of the body and drastically low blood pressure .


Severe forms of dengue

Severe forms of dengue include dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS). DHF increases the risk of bleeding, while DSS causes blood pressure to drop and the body's organs not get enough oxygen.


How does dengue cause death?

Dr. Dang explains that if dengue fever is not managed properly, then many such complications can occur, which increases the risk of death. People who have obesity, asthma, hypertension or any cardiovascular disease are at a higher risk.


Also, the risk increases in children below 5 years of age and adults above 45 years of age or those who have already had dengue. The risk also increases if there is a kidney problem.


However, in those who get timely and appropriate treatment, less than one percent of deaths occur, but in cases where treatment is not available, the mortality rate can increase to 10-20 percent. Therefore, it is important to identify its symptoms and get treatment in time, so that complications related to it can be avoided.


How to prevent dengue? (Dengue Fever Prevention Tips)

These measures can be taken to prevent dengue-


  • Protection from mosquitoes- To protect yourself from mosquitoes, use mosquito net, wear long clothes and do not let water accumulate around the house.
  • Take care of cleanliness- Keep your surroundings clean and keep the dustbin covered.
  • Contact a doctor- If you notice symptoms of dengue, contact a doctor immediately.
