
Blood is a very important part of our body. It carries oxygen and nutrients to every corner of our body. Obviously, our body cannot function without blood. You must have noticed that when we are sick, the doctor first asks us to do a blood test. Actually, through this test the doctor is able to know what is the problem in our body. Through a blood test, the doctor can also find out which element is less or more in our body.


When a person is short of blood, the doctor transfuses blood to him, but, it is very important that the person is given the same type of blood that is already in his body. There are different blood groups like A, B, AB and O. If a person is given the wrong type of blood (Blood Type Mismatch), then many serious problems can occur in his body. Let us know about this in detail.


Our blood is made up of many types of cells and a fluid. This fluid is called plasma. Red blood cells are the most abundant in the blood. There are certain substances on the surface of these cells, which are called antigens. These antigens tell what type of blood a person has, i.e. what his blood group is.


There are two main antigens on the surface of red blood cells - A and B. If a person's red blood cells have only A antigen, then his blood group will be A. If there is only B antigen, then the blood group will be B. If both antigens are present, then the blood group will be AB and if both antigens are not present, then the blood group will be O.


What will happen if wrong blood is transfused into the body?

When blood is transfused to a sick person, this work is done very carefully. This is because it is very important to do a blood test and choose the right type of blood. If the wrong type of blood is transfused, the sick person may even die.


There are many types of blood in our body, such as A, B, AB and O. If a person is given blood different from his blood group, then his body may react with the blood and he may suffer a lot of harm. Therefore, doctors do a blood test very carefully before transfusion. For information, let us tell you that sometimes, a person may have an allergy even after the right blood is transfused. In case of allergy, a person may have itching, swelling or difficulty in breathing, but doctors control this situation with the help of antibiotics .


Why do transfusion reactions happen?

Our blood contains red blood cells that have antigens on their surface. There are many types of antigens and the blood group is determined based on these antigens. When a person is transfused with blood of the wrong blood group, the body considers the antigens present in that blood as foreign and produces antibodies against them. These antibodies cause blood clots to form and a transfusion reaction occurs.


The doctor said cross-matching is extremely important

Dr. Pooja explains that ABO incompetence occurs when a person is given blood from a person with a different blood group. This is a condition in which the antigens and antibodies present in the blood react with each other. This reaction can range from mild symptoms such as fever, chills, nausea and body ache to more severe ones such as kidney failure, Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, bronchospasm, shock and even death. In the most dangerous situations, this reaction damages the red blood cells, triggering a severe hemolytic process.


The caution of doctors is very important for the people donating and receiving blood. They have to see whether the blood of both will match or not. This work is called 'cross-matching'. Suppose, we have to mix water and milk. Just as these two are different, in the same way, the blood of every person is different. If we mix different types of blood by mistake, then a big problem can happen. Therefore, doctors have to do this work very carefully. If the doctor makes even a small mistake in this work, then the patient can die. Therefore, cross-matching is very important and it should be done very carefully.