These days many people are suffering from blood pressure problems. Usually, when it comes to blood pressure, people first discuss high BP i.e. hypertension, but low blood pressure is often ignored. This is because the symptoms of low BP are not so effectively visible and at the same time people find it less dangerous than hypertension. However, the truth is that low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, has become a common problem nowadays.
When the blood pressure is less than the normal blood pressure range of 120/80 mm and starts going below 90/60, then it is called hypotension. In such a situation, ignoring it is not good for health at all. There can be many reasons for low BP, which include nutrient deficiency , severe infection, dehydration, stress, hypothyroidism, anemia or reduction in blood volume, pregnancy, heart related problems etc. The following symptoms are seen when BP is low-
- Dizziness
- unconsciousness
- blurred vision
- feeling thirsty
- Nausea and fatigue
After sitting or lying down for a long time, you feel dizzy when you stand up, which is called postural hypotension. Keeping these symptoms in mind, check your blood pressure immediately and get it treated. Also, if you suddenly feel that your blood pressure is getting low, then you can get immediate relief with the help of these home remedies-
Drinking salt mixed in water balances low blood pressure. However, according to WHO, the amount of salt should not exceed one tablespoon of salt in a day, but it becomes necessary to increase the amount of sodium in low blood pressure, so drinking salt mixed in water provides immediate relief. Water helps in keeping hydrated by increasing blood volume, which relieves the problem of dehydration and controls blood pressure.
Tulsi water
Potassium, magnesium and vitamin C are found in basil leaves and an antioxidant called eugenol is also found, which controls blood pressure. Therefore, boil some basil leaves in water and then consume this water.
Soak raisins in water at night and consume it in the morning. It helps in smooth blood circulation, which helps in controlling blood pressure.
Vitamin B12 Rich Diet
Deficiency of vitamin B12 and folate can cause anemia, which leads to low blood pressure. Therefore, include food items like meat, eggs, fish, milk and cheese in the diet and also consume green leafy vegetables, broccoli, lentils, citrus fruits, nuts and seeds, so that the body gets adequate amounts of vitamin B12 and folate.
Tea and coffee can temporarily increase blood pressure. However, research is still going on on this.
compression stockings
These help in smooth flow of blood in the body and prevent blood from accumulating in the legs. This controls low blood pressure.