Urination is a natural process, which often helps in removing the waste products present in our body. It is also very important for our body, because it is a way to remove toxins. However, sometimes urine has to be controlled due to some reasons. Many times urine has to be held back (Holding Pee Effects) due to long meetings, long drives or many other reasons, but this small habit can often become the cause of many health problems.
Holding urine for a long time can cause many problems ranging from painful kidney stones (Kidney Stone Prevention Tips) to frequent infections and damage to your urinary system. Let us know from Dr. Geeta Shroff, Director, Newbella Center for Women's Health, New Delhi, the side effects of holding urine for a long time-
Kidney Stone
Usually a person urinates 6 to 8 times a day, which helps in removing minerals like calcium and oxalate from the body. These minerals can cause kidney stones. In such a situation, when you hold urine for a long time, these minerals can slowly turn into painful kidney stones .
Urine Infection
Urine not only helps in removing waste products from the body, but it also helps in removing bacteria through the urinary tract . In such a situation, when you hold urine, bacteria can grow rapidly, which can cause infection (Holding Urine Causes UTI). Especially people suffering from diabetes, women and people with neurological conditions are at greater risk of this.
loss of bladder functioning
The bladder is a muscle that expands to hold urine and contracts to expel it. If you hold urine often, it can stretch your bladder too much, which can impair its functioning. Chronic overstretching can damage the bladder muscles, which also affect kidney function.
Pressure on the kidneys
If you hold urine for a long period of time, it can put pressure on your kidneys. It's important for the kidneys to stay healthy because they work to filter toxins from the blood. When the bladder is overfilled and not emptied properly, it can back up into the kidneys, causing extra stress and damage.
Other ill effects
Holding urine can lead to a condition called pyelonephritis. This is an infection that can cause long-term damage to the kidneys if not treated quickly. This condition occurs when the bladder is not able to empty completely and bacteria from the bladder reach the kidneys.