
The attitude of the Taliban, who are in power in Afghanistan, has started softening a bit. There is news that the Taliban is going to return the lands and properties snatched from the Hindus and Sikhs of Afghanistan.

It is being said that the Taliban has taken this decision at a time when Narendra Singh Khalsa has recently returned to Afghanistan from Canada. Narendra Singh Khalsa was the representative of Hindus and Sikhs in the Parliament of Afghanistan. In the year 2022, when the Taliban captured power in Afghanistan, it also grabbed the lands of Hindus and Sikhs living there.

An investigation has been started into the land acquisition of Hindus and Sikhs in Afghanistan. This initiative has been taken by the Justice Ministry of the Taliban. Now a report has claimed that the Taliban has started returning their land and properties to displaced Hindus and Sikhs across the country.

Suhail Shaheen, head of Taliban's Political Office, says that a commission has been formed under the chairmanship of the Justice Minister to return all the properties grabbed by Hindus and Sikhs to their owners.

According to the report of Afghanistan International, in the last three years, Hindu and Sikh representatives have held several meetings with Taliban officials in Kabul. In this, he had expressed concern about the occupation of their lands and appealed to the Taliban to resolve this issue.

Hindus and Sikhs had fled from Afghanistan

Only after the Taliban came to power, did most of the Hindus and Sikhs settle in Afghanistan and flee to India. In 2022, there was an attack on a Gurudwara in Kabul, for which the terrorist organization IS took responsibility. This attack forced the last Hindus and Sikhs settled there to flee from there.

Many Sikhs and Hindus fleeing Afghanistan took refuge in India. The Indian government had also evacuated these Hindus and Sikhs settled there by air.

As soon as the Taliban came to power in 2021, attacks on Hindus and Sikhs increased in Afghanistan. Gurudwaras were being continuously targeted. 

Sikhs and Hindus started returning to Kabul

Afghanistan International Portal on April 9 reported the return of Narendra Singh Khalsa, who was the sole representative of Hindus and Sikhs in the Afghan Parliament. The return of Khalsa to Afghanistan is important amid reports that the Taliban government is working to return the land grabbed by Hindus and Sikhs.
