
Moscow: Russia is discussing with its partners the issue of deploying long-range weapons, state news agency TASS reported on Wednesday, citing Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov.

Ryabkov told TASS in an interview that Moscow has its closest partners in both Asia and Latin America with whom work on the security situation is being carried out concretely, not just at the level of exchanging assessments.

Russia will deploy long-range weapons

"There is nothing new. This issue (deployment of long-range weapons) is being raised with many of our partners," TASS quoted Ryabkov as saying.

Ryabkov did not name any countries and said discussions take place with full respect for the obligations that countries may bear under international treaties, including those to which Russia is not a party.

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in North Korea on Wednesday, amid concerns the United States and its allies fear Moscow could provide support for Pyongyang's missile and nuclear programmes, which are banned by United Nations Security Council resolutions.

Contact between America and Russia has reduced- Ryabkov

Ryabkov also told TASS that diplomatic contacts between Russia and the United States have been reduced to a minimum, now limited to embassy, ​​visa and humanitarian issues, and could deteriorate further.

"Our contacts with the Americans have been reduced to an absolute minimum, both in terms of volume and content," TAAS quoted Ryabkov as saying.

As for political topics...there is nothing other than occasional contacts with international organizations.

Ryabkov has also said diplomatic relations could further deteriorate in response to the US move to freeze Russian assets.

Ryabkov said that lowering the level of diplomatic relations... is in the arsenal of means.

In response to Russia's war in Ukraine, the United States and its allies imposed restrictions on transactions with Russia's central bank and finance ministry.

Last week, the Group of Seven rich democracies agreed to use money from seized Russian assets to lend $50 billion to Ukraine.
