According to the Panchang, the Ashtami date of Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapada month is dedicated to Shri Radha Rani. According to religious belief, Shri Radha Rani was incarnated on this special date. Therefore, this day is celebrated as Radha Ashtami. On this day, Shri Radha Rani is worshipped (Radha Ashtami Puja Vidhi). Also, favorite things are offered. It is believed that by doing this, the devotee gets the blessings of Radha Rani. If you also want to get the blessings of Radha Rani, then include special bhog in the worship thali of Radha Ashtami.
Radha Ashtami auspicious time (Radha Ashtami Shubh Muhurat)
According to the Vedic calendar, the Ashtami (Radha Ashtami 2024 Puja Time) date of Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapada month will start on September 10 at 11:11 pm and will end on September 11 at 11:46 pm. In Sanatan Dharma, the date is calculated from sunrise. Hence, Radha Ashtami (Radha Ashtami 2024 Date) will be celebrated on September 11.

Enjoy these things
- On the day of Radha Ashtami, worship Radha Rani in a proper manner and offer special things. You should offer Malpua to Kishori Ji. It is believed that including Malpua in the puja thali brings happiness and prosperity in the house and provides relief from the problem of domestic troubles.
- Apart from this, you can also include rabri and fruits in the offering to Radha Rani . It is believed that by offering these things, Kishori becomes happy and all the wishes of the devotee are fulfilled.
Occult Mantra
The following mantra should be chanted while offering prasad to Radha Rani on Radha Ashtami. According to belief, without chanting this mantra, Radha Rani does not accept the prasad.
I offer your things to you, Govinda. Please accept this and be pleased with me, O Lord.
The meaning of this mantra is that O Radha Rani, whatever I have is given by you. I offer whatever is given to you. Please accept this offering of mine.