
New Delhi. Nariyal Ke Upay: Coconut is used in worship and auspicious work. Coconut is believed to be the abode of Tridev. Remedies related to coconut have been described in astrology. It is believed that through these miraculous remedies, a person gets relief from many kinds of problems in life. Let us know which coconut remedies prove to be fruitful for the person.

Coconut Remedies

  • If you are facing any problem in business, then wrap a coconut in a yellow cloth on Thursday and place a sacred thread on it and offer it to Lord Hari. It is believed that by doing this remedy, one gets rid of the problems in business and gets success in work.
  • Apart from this, coconut remedy proves to be more beneficial in curing the disease . Wave the coconut 21 times over the patient on Tuesday or Saturday and keep it somewhere. It is believed that by doing this trick all diseases are cured. 
  • To get rid of the problems in life, worship Hanumanji on Tuesday and offer him a red robe. This will remove all problems and diseases.
  • To overcome financial crisis, wear red clothes on Friday and worship Goddess Lakshmi and offer your favourite things. After this, tie a coconut in a red cloth and keep it in the temple . It is believed that this ends financial crisis and creates chances of monetary gains.