
New Delhi. Makeup Tips: If you want to make your makeup long lasting, then it is very important to understand some basic things related to it. Today we will share some special tips related to applying foundation, with which you will not only be able to hide fine lines and pimples, but this makeup look will also look very natural. If you also often spoil the whole look due to some mistakes made while applying foundation, then this article can be very helpful for you.

Primer is a must

It is very important to prepare a makeup base before using foundation. Often women in a hurry forget to apply primer before applying foundation, due to which makeup also fails to hide the pores. In such a situation, neither the makeup lasts for long nor the skin looks flawless.

Correct use of concealer

If you also use concealer before applying foundation, then let us tell you that this is not the right way. To get a natural finish, first use the foundation and then conceal the remaining dark spots. By doing this the concealer does not blend with the foundation.


Do not blend like this

Many people try to blend the foundation by rubbing it after applying it. If you are also one of them, then know that this method is not correct. Due to this, the foundation is not able to blend on every part of the face. In such a situation, you should always apply it by patting.

don't make this mistake

Keep in mind that you should use foundation only as per your requirement. Too much or too less foundation does not give a good look and it does not look natural either. Apart from this, avoid blending it immediately after applying it, it is better to blend it only after leaving it for some time.
