
There are many such stories in Hindu religious texts which also serve to inspire mankind. Mahabharata is also one of these texts. The incident of Draupadi's disrobing was a major reason behind the Mahabharata war and an even bigger reason was the silence of great scholars on this issue.


Arjun showered arrows

Bhishma Pitamah knew that in this war, the Pandavas were fighting for Dharma, while the Kauravas were supporting Adharma. But even after this, being bound by his duty, Bhishma Pitamah had to support the Kauravas in the battlefield. During the war, Arjuna showered arrows on Bhishma Pitamah and made him lie down on a bed of arrows.



boon of euthanasia

Bhishma Pitamah had the boon of Iccha Mrityu, so despite extreme pain, he waited for 58 days to give up his life. Bhishma Pitamah had told many valuable things to the Pandavas even while lying on the bed of arrows. When Bhishma Pitamah was lying on the bed of arrows, Draupadi also came to meet him.

gave this answer


During this time Draupadi asked Bhishma Pitamah that why did he remain silent on such an act of disrobing and did not try to stop it. Then Bhishma Pitamah replied with remorse that I knew that I will have to answer this question one day. He further said that the food a person eats, his mind also becomes like that. When such an adharma like disrobing was happening in front of my eyes, even then I could not stop it. Because I had eaten the food of Duryodhan, due to which my mind and brain had become subservient to him.
