. Magha Shradh is considered an important part of Pitru Paksha. This is a special ritual dedicated to ancestors and is a very good day to get their blessings. This year this Shradh will be celebrated on Sunday, 29 September. It is said that those who perform Shradh of their ancestors with devotion on this day and do charity in their name, they get salvation.
Along with this, there is happiness in the family, so let us know its (Magha Shraddh 2024) date and worship rules.
When is Magha Shradh? (When is Magha Shradh 2024?)
According to the Vedic calendar, this year Magha Shradh will start on September 29 at 3:48 am. Whereas, it will end on September 30 at 5:14 am. Let us tell you, it is considered good to perform Shradh rituals of ancestors in the Kutub Muhurta of Magha Nakshatra. This liberates their soul.
Rules of Magha Shraadh
Pind Daan - On this date, Pind Daan should be done with rice mixed with ghee, honey and sesame seeds, this pleases the ancestors.
Tarpan: To satisfy the souls of ancestors, water mixed with black sesame seeds, barley and kusha is offered in Tarpan.
Offering food - Special food is prepared including the favourite dishes of the deceased and Brahmins are fed. This brings prosperity to the family.
Donation - After Shraddha, one should donate food, clothes and money to the needy people as per one's capacity, this helps in getting the blessings of God.