
New Delhi: Arvind Kejriwal Arrest: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate on Thursday in the Delhi liquor case. Kejriwal is the first CM to be arrested while holding the post of Chief Minister. Earlier, when Hemant Soren was arrested, he had already resigned from the post of CM of Jharkhand. Now the question is whether Kejriwal will resign from the post of Chief Minister or run the government from jail itself and what does the law say about this? Know:

Kejriwal will remain CM of Delhi: Atishi

After Kejriwal's arrest, Delhi government minister Atishi said on Thursday that Arvind Kejriwal will remain in the post of Chief Minister and will run the government from jail if necessary after his arrest in a money laundering case related to excise policy. Atishi also said that Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has approached the Supreme Court against this action of ED.

Kejriwal will run the government from jail: Minister

Atishi said, 'He will remain the Chief Minister of Delhi. If necessary, he will run the government from jail. No rule prohibits running a government from jail. The AAP leader posted on 'X', 'We have moved the Supreme Court to cancel the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal by ED. We have requested the Supreme Court to hold an urgent hearing tonight itself.

Although the Supreme Court did not hear the case on Thursday night, but reports are saying that the Supreme Court can hear it today. Today is the last day for regular hearings before Holi. After this, there will be a holiday of 9 days till next Sunday. 

What are the rules?

No rule or law stops the Chief Minister from running the government from jail but it is quite difficult. Because in jail the prisoners have to follow the jail manual. A prisoner in jail can meet his relatives or friends only twice a week for half an hour. Not only this, even for signing legal documents, approval has to be taken from the court. In such a situation, it will be very difficult to run the government from jail. There may also be difficulty in government work in Delhi.
