The activist who filed a complaint against Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah in the Muda land allotment case has been sentenced to 6 months in jail in a cheque bounce case. Activist Snehamayi Krishna has been sentenced to 6 months in jail in a cheque bounce case. This verdict has been given by the Third JMFC Court of Mysuru.
In 2015, Snehamayi Krishna took a loan from a person named Kumar to run a newspaper and for household needs. In return, he gave her a cheque of Merchants Co-operative Bank. When Kumar deposited it in his bank account, it bounced. Later, he filed a case against Krishna. Snehamayi Krishna has been sentenced in this case.
ED report points towards money laundering
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) probe into the MUDA land allotment case has alleged that 14 plots in the upmarket Mysuru area were "illegally allotted" to Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah's wife Parvati B.M. and an attempt was made to launder money. The provisional attachment order (PAO) issued by the ED details the modus operandi of allegedly using these 14 plots for money laundering. There has been no response from Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and his family on the ED's allegations. Activist Snehamayi Krishna, the petitioner in the Mysore Urban Development Authority (MUDA) case, shared a copy of the 104-page PAO with news agency PTI. According to the order, "the illegal allotment was made under influence." However, it was not clearly stated under whose influence it was done.
The ED claimed that Parvati returned these 14 plots after the investigation started under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002. The ED alleged, "The illegal allotment of plots is not a single incident. There is a deep nexus between MUDA officials/employees and real estate businessmen/influential persons. A large number of illegal allotments were made by MUDA officials/employees in exchange for cash, immovable properties, vehicles etc." The ED alleged that although Parvati has returned the plots to MUDA, it is clear from the investigation that there was an attempt to launder money by the accused in the case. The accused include Siddaramaiah, his wife Parvati, his brother Mallikarjuna Swamy, land owner J Devaraju and MUDA officials, real estate businessmen and influential persons. According to the ED, "The investigation has revealed that about 1,095 MUDA plots were allotted illegally."