
There are many benefits of including fruits in the diet. Especially seasonal fruits provide many health benefits. This is the reason why health experts always recommend making fruits a part of the diet. Guava is a very beneficial fruit which is rich in many nutrients. It has medicinal properties. It is rich in nutrients like manganese and potassium and it also provides relief from period pain. It also helps in the proper development of the child during pregnancy. Similarly, guava is beneficial in many other ways, so let's know the benefits of eating guava -

vitamin C

You will be surprised to know that guava contains more vitamin C than many citrus fruits. It boosts immunity, makes skin healthy and also helps in healing wounds.

antimicrobial properties

Due to this, guava kills bacteria and viruses and protects from diseases and infections.

Rich in fibre

Guava is an excellent source of dietary fiber. It improves digestion, relieves constipation and improves gut health.

Anti Oxidant

Guava is full of anti-oxidants which neutralise the free radicals present in the body. This reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

Blood Sugar Control

Some research has found that guava and its leaves help in controlling blood sugar level.

Heart Health

Potassium is found in guava which keeps blood pressure balanced. This reduces the risk of heart diseases and maintains good heart health. It also reduces the amount of LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases the amount of HDL (good cholesterol).

Weight Loss

Due to the high fiber content, after eating guava, the stomach feels full for a long time. This reduces hunger and helps in weight loss.

Eye Health

Vitamin A is found in guava which is very beneficial for the eyes.

skin health

Eating guava, which is rich in vitamin C and anti-oxidants, improves skin health, reduces wrinkles and makes the skin look younger.

Gut Health

Guava maintains healthy bowel movements and relieves constipation thereby improving gut health.