
New Delhi. Some bad habits are not only hindering the working people but are also harming the country's economy.

The Economic Survey has also raised the concern that there is a big threat of internet media, screen time and food items considered unhealthy, which will not only harm people's health but will also have a negative impact on their productivity and will overall affect the country's economic strength. In this context, the private sector will have to understand its responsibility.


What did the Economic Survey say?

The survey says that giving preference to capital over labour will not be good for long-term corporate growth. This conclusion is important in this context because entrepreneurs and industrialists have shown reluctance to invest citing lack of demand.

Along with skills, there should be concern about good health too

According to the survey, in order to provide meaningful employment to the working population of the country, it is important that they should worry about good health along with skills. In this context, the eating habits that are emerging among Indians are not only unhealthy but are also not good from the environmental point of view.

Indian businesses will have to show wisdom

The traditional Indian food and diet have proven over the centuries that they are good for health and in harmony with nature. Indian businesses need to be smart about adopting Indian food and diet. The world market is waiting for them.