
Rainy season means a lot of diseases and infections. In this season, various types of diseases often make people their victims. Especially the outbreak of diseases caused by mosquitoes increases a lot in this season. Dengue, malaria, chikungunya, West Nile fever, Zika virus are some serious diseases caused by mosquitoes. Among these, dengue is the most common but dangerous disease, whose cases are increasing rapidly in Karnataka these days.


In view of the increasing cases of dengue in the state, it has been declared an epidemic (Dengue Epidemic In Karnataka). As soon as the monsoon arrives, its cases start increasing in the country and abroad. Every year many people lose their lives due to this disease. If it is not treated and prevented in time, it can take life. In such a situation, to know in detail about the fatal consequences of this disease and its prevention, we spoke to Dr. Muzammil Sultan Koka, Senior Regiment in the Critical Care Medicine Department at Maringo Asia Hospital, Gurgaon.



Symptoms of Dengue

Doctors say that the risk increases due to the rapid spread of the virus, especially during the monsoon season. Given the potential severity of this disease, dengue has been declared an epidemic in Karnataka, which is a matter of serious concern. The virus called dengue (Dengue Causes) is spread by mosquitoes and can cause flu-like symptoms. It can cause problems like high fever, painful headache , rashes and joint and muscle pain.



Serious consequences of dengue

At the same time, talking about its serious consequences, the doctor said that if it is not treated at the right time, it can develop into dengue hemorrhagic fever , which can cause bleeding, plasma leakage, organ failure and even death.


How to prevent dengue

Doctors say that the key to fighting dengue is its prevention. In such a situation, it is important to keep the following things in mind to prevent it-

  • Eliminate mosquito breeding sites to prevent them from breeding.
  • Do not allow water to accumulate anywhere around the house.
  • Wear protective clothing to avoid mosquito bites.
  • Use mosquito repellent to avoid mosquitoes.
  • To avoid this deadly disease, public awareness is most important.