
Every year Saphala Ekadashi is celebrated on the Ekadashi date of Krishna Paksha of Paush month. This year Saphala Ekadashi is on 26th December. Lord Vishnu and Maa Lakshmi are worshipped on Ekadashi date. Ekadashi fast is also observed. By observing this fast, every wish of the devotee is fulfilled. Along with this, happiness comes in life. According to astrologers, Chandra Dev, the factor of mind , will change the zodiac on the auspicious occasion of Christmas. Chandra Dev will remain in this zodiac for 2 days. People of many zodiac signs will benefit from this. Among these, people of 2 zodiac signs will benefit the most. Let's know everything about it-


Virgo sun sign

Virgo natives can get special benefits due to Chandra Dev's transit in Libra. The lord of this zodiac is Mercury and the worshipped Lord is Ganesha. Therefore, the special blessings of Lord Ganesha are showered on Virgo natives. However, due to Ketu transit, Virgo natives are witnessing ups and downs in their lives. On the other hand, Virgo natives can get success in business due to Chandra Dev's entry in Libra. The pending work can be completed. You can also get relief from money related problems. Guests will arrive at home. Lord Vishnu's blessings will be showered. With his blessings, you will get success in every work.



The lord of Sagittarius is Devguru Brihaspati and the adorer of the world is Lord Vishnu. Therefore, the special blessings of Lord Vishnu will shower on the people of Sagittarius. With his blessings, you can get success in every task. You will also get wealth. With the blessings of Chandra Dev, you will get relief from mental stress. You will get success in auspicious works. Relations with relatives will be sweet. You will have to meet a special person. Wealth will increase. You will achieve success in a special task. The financial condition will be strong. By worshipping Lord Vishnu, there will be happiness, prosperity and peace in the house.