
Chanakya Niti: There is a law of reincarnation in Sanatan Dharma. After the death of a person, he gets a new life according to his deeds. Chitragupta Maharaj ji keeps the account of a person's deeds. After death, the person is given the fruit in the court of Yam Dev. The person who does good deeds attains heaven. At the same time, the person who does bad deeds gets a place in hell. Acharya Chanakya also believed in reincarnation. Its proof is found in Niti Shastra. In Niti Shastra, Acharya Chanakya has also given information on reincarnation. If we believe Acharya Chanakya, then a person succeeds in life by his deeds. However, enjoying happiness is also the karma of a person's previous births. Due to this, a person gets heavenly pleasures on earth. These 3 types of people remain happy on earth throughout their life. They get this happiness due to difficult penance or sadhana. Let's know-



She is a beautiful woman who has the power to eat food and the power to have sex with her


Opulence and the power of charity are not the fruits of a little austerity


  • Acharya Chanakya says in the second verse of the second chapter of his composition Niti Shastra that it is a matter of luck for a person to get good food on earth. At the same time, consuming good food in sufficient quantity and having the power to digest it is the result of good deeds. In simple words, Acharya Chanakya wants to say that living a healthy life is the power of penance of previous births.
  • Further, Acharya Chanakya says that it is a matter of good fortune for any man to get a beautiful woman as his wife. Whereas, a beautiful wife being of good character is the karma of previous births. Chanakya wants to say that a beautiful woman can be found, but a person of good character is not found or a husband of good character is not found. It is a matter of luck to get a beautiful woman and to have a good character.
  • Acharya Chanakya further says that being rich on earth is a matter of luck. On the other hand, being rich and generous is the result of previous births. It is also mentioned in the scriptures that only those people who do good deeds get heavenly pleasures on earth. Apart from this, Acharya Chanakya has also discussed the qualities of women. He has also told about the natural defects of women.