
Acharya Chanakya is considered to be one of the most intelligent and influential persons. Many aspects of life are described in the Niti Shastra written by him. In such a situation, we are going to tell you that according to Acharya Chanakya, who are those people who are always happy and they also influence the behavior and speech of other people.

This verse gives the description

In this shloka, Chanakya is telling about some such people, who not only remain happy themselves but also create an atmosphere of happiness among the people around them.

Priyavakyapradane survey tushyanti jantavah.

Poverty of speaking Tasmattdev statements.


Meaning of Shloka - In this shloka, Acharya Chanakya says that a person should not be stingy in the use of words, that is, he should be generous and always speak sweetly. Such people not only remain happy themselves, but also make others happy with their words. People living around such people also start becoming positive and their behavior and speech also change.

Sweet speech has so many benefits

Everyone likes a person who speaks sweetly and talks to him with love. Speaking sweetly keeps oneself and others happy, which gives a person positive results. Also, with sweet speech, any person can be made your own. Therefore, never use abusive or foul language even in anger, because once the words come out of the mouth, they never go back. You must have heard that the wounds given by words never heal.
