
Worship of Guru Brihaspati is considered the best in Sanatan Dharma. Thursday is dedicated to the worship of Brihaspati Dev. It is believed that worshipping him ends all the problems of life. Also, all wishes are fulfilled and there is a possibility of early marriage. Those whose Guru's position is not good in their horoscope, their marriage is delayed, in such a case, along with fasting on Thursday, worship the banana tree according to the method. Take a bath by adding turmeric to water.

Then recite "Brihaspati Kavach or strotra". Finally complete the puja with Aarti. Ask for forgiveness for any mistake made during the puja. Then feed the poor and give them some donations etc. By doing this remedy, the position of Jupiter is strengthened. Also, the desired groom is obtained.



।।Brihaspati Kavach (Brihaspati Kavach Lyrics।।

He is the omniscient deity who bestows the desired fruits and is worshiped by the demigods.

I offer my obeisances to the peaceful lord Bṛhaspati, who holds a garland of beads.

May Bṛhaspati protect my head and my spiritual master protect my forehead.

May the spiritual master of the demigods protect my ears and the bestower of all desires protect my eyes.

May the teacher of the demigods, who is well versed in the Vedas, protect my tongue and my nostrils.

May the omniscient Lord protect my mouth and the spiritual master of the demigods my neck.

May Angirasa protect my arms and may the auspicious Lord protect my hands.

May the lord of speech protect my breasts and the auspicious Lord protect my abdomen.

May Kevaguru protect my navel and may the happiness-giving Lord protect my middle.

May the worshiper of the universe protect my waist, and may the lord of speech protect my thighs.

The ācārya of the demigods is on his knees and thighs, and the Viśvatmaka is on his feet.

May the spiritual master protect me from all sides and from all other parts of my body.

Anyone who recites this divine kavaca for three evenings

He obtains all his desires and is victorious everywhere.


।। Guru Stotram (Guru Stotram Lyrics).

The teacher is Brahma, the teacher is Vishnu, the teacher is God, the teacher is Maheshwara.

The spiritual master is directly the Supreme Absolute Truth. I offer my respectful obeisances unto him.

With the ointment of knowledge for the blind in the darkness of ignorance.

Obeisance to that auspicious spiritual master by whom the eyes have been opened.

The unbroken sphere which pervades all moving and non-moving.

I offer my respectful obeisances unto that Supreme Personality of Godhead, who has revealed His abode.

Karmabandhina of multiple births.

I offer my respectful obeisances unto that spiritual master who bestows self-knowledge upon us.

Mannatha is Sri Jagannatha, my teacher is Sri Jagadguru.

I offer my respectful obeisances unto that spiritual master, who is the Supreme Soul of all living entities.

Brahmananda, the supremely pleasant, the only idol of knowledge,

The sky-like essence transcending duality is its original goal.

One eternally pure and unchanging, the witness of all intelligence,

I offer my obeisances to that transcendental spiritual master, who is free from the three modes of material nature.
