
Washington.  In recent months, Iran has taken major steps to increase the production of nuclear weapons and explosive devices. In view of this, America has now made a big claim. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that the breakout time for Iran is now probably a week or two away. That is, Iran has only '1 or 2 weeks' left to prepare the material for a nuclear weapon. 

Here breakout time means - 'the time required to produce enough weapons-grade material for a nuclear weapon.'

Nuclear deal cancelled

In his remarks at the Aspen Security Forum on Friday, Blinken said, 'The situation we're in right now is not a good situation.' According to CNN's report, Iran was at least a year away from achieving the ability to produce explosive material for a nuclear weapon after the nuclear deal was canceled, but now Iran is probably left with only a week or two.

America is keeping a careful eye

Blinken said that Iran has not built any weapons on its own, but this is something that we are monitoring very carefully. Antony said that the US policy is to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and the administration will try to prevent this from happening through diplomacy.A year ago, a top US Defense Department official said Iran could now make "nuclear weapons material equivalent to one bomb in about 12 days." The Biden administration has held indirect talks with Iran for more than a year to revive the Iran nuclear deal, which the US withdrew from in 2018 under the Trump administration, CNN reported.
