
New Delhi:  Sometimes children's behavior becomes a little strange in teenage. Unnecessary irritation, anger, tantrums are common and every other parent is seen complaining about it. At this age, it takes a lot of effort to teach them how to talk to others properly and with respect. Secondly, in today's era, children also have access to smartphones and TV. In such a situation, it has become even more difficult for parents to control and correct the deteriorating language of children.

Nowadays most of the children are speaking the language of slang, forms and emojis. Not only this, they are also giving rude answers to their parents. Parents are upset with this behaviour of children and if it is not corrected now, it will have a bad effect on their future. In such a situation, it is important for parents to understand how to deal with them at this age.

Parents come forward

Leave the attitude that children will learn everything on their own when they grow up. Due to the amount of time they are giving to TV and mobile these days, they are learning good and bad things in childhood itself. The words and advice of their parents have started seeming old and boring to them. In such a situation, parents will have to explain to children in their own language . If the child talks in an insulting manner, then instead of raising your hand on him or scolding him, explain his behavior by giving examples.

Explain as parents, not as friends 

Many people advise that it is easier to handle children by becoming their friend, but this behavior is not that effective. Children can be understood by becoming friends, but many times children take advantage of this and learn to give a reverse reply. It is important to become a parent before becoming a friend of children in teenage . By becoming a parent, give them knowledge of good and bad things, so that they understand the ways to handle things.

Understand the mood swings of children

Do not force anything on children. If you want them to do some work, then motivate them by telling them its benefits. Talk to them, try to know their well-being. If they do not want to tell you anything, then do not force them. Give them a chance to speak themselves instead of nagging them. This will make them talk to you openly.
