
New Delhi. Tomato Side Effects: Red juicy tomatoes are considered very beneficial for health. The anti-oxidants present in it help in preventing many dangerous diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. Apart from this, it is also considered very beneficial for the skin. However, some people should keep an arm's distance from tomatoes. In some diseases, eating tomatoes can make that problem (Tomato Health Problems) more serious.

Kidney stone patients

If you have kidney stones, then you should not eat tomatoes at all. Let us tell you that tomatoes contain oxalates, due to which the risk of stones increases significantly. Therefore, if you have kidney stones, do not eat tomatoes at all and if symptoms of stones are visible or you have had this problem in the past, then eat less tomatoes.

  • acidity

If a person often has problems of acidity or heartburn, then he should not eat tomatoes. Actually, the nature of tomatoes is acidic. Therefore, eating it can increase the problem of acidity. Especially those people who have GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) should also not eat tomatoes.

  • Joint pain

People who have joint pain or arthritis should eat tomatoes in very limited quantities. Eating tomatoes in large quantities can increase inflammation in the joints, which intensifies the pain. Therefore, arthritis patients should consume tomatoes judiciously.

  • Allergies

If you have skin allergies, then consume tomatoes as little as possible. Tomatoes can further aggravate skin allergies and rashes. Also, if there is a problem of skin discoloration, i.e. skin color changing, then tomatoes should also not be eaten. Therefore, do not eat it at all until the allergy is gone. Even after you recover, consult a doctor first and then eat it.

  • Gas problem

If you have gas problems, you should avoid eating tomatoes. Eating too much tomatoes can increase gas problems in these people, which also causes stomach pain and flatulence . Therefore, people who have gas should not eat tomatoes.
