
New Delhi. Along with a healthy diet, daily exercise is also very important to stay healthy. However, due to busy lifestyle, people do not have any time to do physical exercise. In such a situation, walking is a great way to make yourself healthy in less time. This is the reason why walking 10,000 steps has become trending nowadays. Such trends are beneficial for health and there is no harm in following them.

If you don't have time to workout in your busy schedule, then at least you should go for a walk. This simple workout that is done without any special machine or equipment has many benefits. If you have the excuse that you don't have time to walk, then let us tell you that even a 15-minute walk can bring a lot of change in your health. So take out your walking shoes and set out in this race of health which has many benefits.

Benefits of walking-

  • Walking improves blood flow and movement of the body .
  • Walking eliminates insomnia and promotes good sleep.
  • Walking changes the place and thus changes the state of being i.e. your condition of lying in one place changes. Due to this, happy hormones are produced in the body and these help in improving the mood. It also removes the thoughts that cause depression and refreshes the mood.
  • Walking protects the elderly from coronary artery disease.
  • Walking burns calories which helps in weight loss.
  • Just walking for 15 minutes after eating can reduce the sugar level by about 20%.
  • It increases creative output by 60% which prevents heart related problems. It prevents heart attack and stroke
