
New Delhi. Activities to Boost Happy Hormones: It  is very important for mental and physical health for any person to be happy. However, our lifestyle has become such that we are unable to focus on being happy, but let us tell you that there are some habits that help in creating feel good hormones in the body. Let us know in this article what are happy hormones and by adopting which habits we can increase their quantity.

What are happy hormones?

The hormones that give happiness are called happy hormones. These hormones are found naturally in our body. There are four types of them - dopamine, serotonin, endorphins and oxytocin. In which dopamine is associated with the experience of motivation, serotonin balances the mood and relieves stress, endorphins reduce pain and promote pleasant feelings and oxytocin increases the experience of social relations and love. These hormones play an important role in creating a feeling of happiness and satisfaction in the brain.

Habits That Boost Happy Hormones

Exercise- Regular physical activity, such as running, swimming or yoga, increases the levels of endorphins and dopamine in your body. These hormones not only improve your mood  , but also reduce stress and anxiety

Healthy diet - A healthy diet is one that includes fruits, vegetables and food items rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These promote the production of serotonin. Chocolate and nuts also help in producing happy hormones.

Meditation and yoga- Meditation and yoga promote mental peace . They reduce stress and increase serotonin levels.

Getting enough sleep- Good sleep gives energy to both the body and the mind. This improves mental health and also increases the level of happy hormones.

Positive thinking and feeling of gratitude- Positive thinking and feeling of gratitude increase happiness and self-satisfaction.

Social connections – Spending time with family and friends provides emotional support and a feeling of happiness.

Listening to music- Listening to your favorite song or music increases happiness hormones. Music improves your mood and reduces stress.

Laughter- Laughter is a natural mood booster. Laughing increases endorphin levels, making you feel happier.
