
Whenever there is talk of weight loss, the first thought that comes to mind is that for this one will have to follow a strict diet and go to the gym. But if you are told that you can lose weight even by eating tasty foods, then what will be your answer? If you keep track of calories in your daily diet, you can easily lose weight. There is no doubt that weight loss involves mathematics. The simple way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories than your body burns. Also, you should choose such foods which speed up your metabolism and help your body in weight loss.

1. Beans
Affordable and nutrient-rich, beans are a great source of protein. Beans contain a lot of fiber which makes them slow to digest. This keeps your stomach full for a long time, thus preventing you from eating again and again. Calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin K are also found in green beans which work to nourish the body.

2. Soup
Start the meal with a cup of soup. This can be a great way to lose weight. Do not include things like cream and butter in the soup. Include lots of vegetables in the soup so that it can become more nutritious.

3. Dark Chocolate:
You will be surprised to know but you can lose weight with chocolate also. But for this you will have, to choose dark chocolate instead of milk and sugar chocolate. One or two small pieces of chocolate also help in satisfying your cravings.

4.Dry Fruits
Dr y fruits like almonds, peanuts, walnuts and raisins are an excellent sources of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which give strength to the body and help in weight loss. Research shows that when people eat nuts, their stomach remains full for a longer time and they avoid eating again and again. Besides, dry fruits also speed up the metabolism of the body due to which the body burns fat faster.

5. Grapefruit
Grapefruit can really help you lose weight. Researchers at the Scripps Clinic in San Diego, USA, found that when obese people ate half a grapefruit before each meal, they could lose an average of three and a half pounds in 12 weeks. It is rich in nutrients, so you should definitely include it in your diet. 

Grapefruit is rich in Vitamin C which boosts immunity and keeps overall health good. It contains chemical compounds that reduce insulin levels and promote weight loss. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 64 per cent of American adults are obese. Even in India, people are increasingly becoming victims of obesity.

Shop Smartly
Scientists say that whenever people working towards weight loss go shopping, they should include lots of lean proteins, fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains in their shopping cart so that they have as much as possible at home. Eat foods that are healthy and good for weight loss. The most important thing when it comes to permanent weight loss is what you eat, not the foods.