
Yoga Poses For Lungs :  Air pollution is a growing problem, which seriously affects our health, especially our lungs. As the winter season approaches, the air quality starts deteriorating. The smoke from stubble and firecrackers significantly increases the AQI of the air of Delhi-NCR, due to which breathing becomes difficult. Apart from this, many problems like irritation in the eyes, sore throat and cough also occur. However, it affects our lungs the most.

Therefore, it is important that we take care of our lungs, so that our lungs suffer minimum damage due to pollution present in the air. Here we are going to tell some yoga poses for healthy lungs to strengthen the lungs. With the help of these yoga poses, the lungs become strong and the breathing capacity increases. Let's know about these 5 yoga poses.

Anulom-Vilom Pranayama

  • How to do it- This pranayama involves inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling through the left nostril. Then the same process has to be repeated from the opposite side.
  • Benefits- This pranayama increases the working capacity of lungs , reduces stress and calms the mind.


Bhastrika Pranayam

  • How to do- This pranayama involves rapid and deep breathing and exhalation.
  • Benefits- This pranayama fills the lungs with oxygen, improves blood circulation and detoxes the body.

Kapalbhati Pranayam

  • How to do- This pranayama involves exhaling rapidly while pulling the stomach inwards.
  • Benefits- This pranayama strengthens the lungs, improves the digestive system and reduces stress.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

  • How to do it- Lying on the stomach, keeping the hands under the shoulders, lift the body up.
  • Benefits- This asana opens the lungs, strengthens the spine and improves the digestive system.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

  • How to do it- Stand with your legs wide apart and turn one leg outwards. Raise your arms up and place one hand on the ground.
  • Benefits- This asana opens the lungs, makes the body flexible and reduces stress.

Along with doing yoga, keep these things in mind as well

  • Wear a mask- Always wear a mask before going out of the house. Especially in highly polluted areas.
  • Purify the air inside the house- Use an air purifier. Put curtains on the windows and doors of the house and clean them regularly.
  • Plant trees- Plants purify the air. Therefore, you can plant indoor plants inside your house as well.
  • Take a healthy diet- Take a diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Get enough sleep- Sleep is essential to keep the body healthy.
