
Vitamins and minerals are very important for the proper development and good health of every part of the body. Due to their deficiency, many problems start to arise in the body. Certain vitamins are necessary for special parts of the body, such as vitamins A, C and E are very important for the eyes. However, due to wrong eating habits these days, the body does not get adequate nutrition and eye problems start occurring. In such a situation, let us know which vitamins are best for the eyes-


Vitamin A

There is a protein called rhodopsin, which prepares the eyes to see even in low light. Vitamin A is an important part of this protein. This is the reason why vitamin A deficiency increases the risk of night blindness. Vitamin A also takes care of the cornea. Beta carotene is found in vegetables and fruits rich in carotenoids, which gets converted into vitamin A after entering the body. Vitamin A is found in abundance in foods like carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkin.


Vitamin E

It is an excellent antioxidant that protects the eyes from free radical damage. Vitamin E is also beneficial in preventing age-related cataracts. The supply of vitamin E can be fulfilled by eating nuts, seeds, fish, green leafy vegetables.


vitamin C

Vitamin C protects the eyes from UV light damage and oxidative damage. According to a research, it also reduces the risk of cataract. Consuming foods like citrus fruits, broccoli, kale does not cause deficiency of vitamin C.


omega three fatty acids

Omega 3 found in fish, flax seeds, chia seeds etc. is very beneficial for the eyes. It mainly helps in preventing diabetic retinopathy and relieves the problem of dry eyes.
