Habits Which Harm Brain: Have you also started forgetting things after keeping them here and there? If yes, then this can be a sign of your weakening memory. Our bad lifestyle affects our memory to a great extent. Forgetting small things in the beginning (Memory Loss) can later take the form of Alzheimer's. Therefore, it is important that we recognize those habits (Habits Which Weakens Memory) which play an important role in weakening the memory. Here we will learn about those habits.
lack of sleep
Sleep is the time to rest our brain and strengthen our memory. When we don't get enough sleep, our brain doesn't function properly and our memory starts to weaken. Therefore, we should try to get 7-8 hours of sleep every day.
Stress increases the level of a hormone called cortisol in our body , which affects memory. Memory can weaken due to increased levels of cortisol. Therefore, reduce stress daily by practicing techniques like yoga, meditation or deep breathing.
Unhealthy diet
By not taking a balanced diet, the brain does not get the necessary nutrients, which can weaken the memory. The brain needs nutrients to function properly. Therefore, include nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables and dry fruits in your diet.
Alcohol and smoking
Drinking alcohol and smoking damages brain cells and weakens memory. Therefore, drinking alcohol and smoking should be avoided.
doing the same thing over and over again
The brain needs new tasks and challenges. This is a kind of brain exercise, but doing the same thing over and over again makes the brain dull and can weaken memory. So try learning new things, such as learning a new language or developing a new hobby.
Doing many things at the same time divides the focus and one is unable to fully concentrate on any one task. This can weaken the memory. Therefore, try to focus on only one task at a time.
excessive use of social media
Excessive use of social media reduces the ability to focus and also affects memory. So limit the use of social media and spend time reading books or doing some other activities.
not exercising
Due to lack of exercise, not only the body but also the mind becomes lethargic . Therefore, it is important to exercise daily. This improves blood flow, which keeps the brain healthy. Therefore, exercise at least 30 minutes daily.