
Sugar Side Effects: Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that gives energy to our body. However, consuming sugar in excess can be harmful to our health. Excessive consumption of sugar can cause obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and other health problems. Therefore, it is important that we pay attention to the amount of sugar we are consuming. You can detect this with the help of some symptoms (Excessive Sugar consumption Signs). As soon as these symptoms appear, you should understand that you are eating too much sugar.


Excessive Sugar consumption Signs

  • Weight gain- Eating too much sugar can lead to weight gain. When we eat too much sugar, our body stores more calories as fat. This can lead to weight gain.
  • Energy fluctuations – Eating too much sugar is associated with fluctuations in energy levels. When we eat too much sugar, our blood sugar levels rise rapidly . This can make us feel temporarily energetic, but then our blood sugar levels drop rapidly, leaving us feeling tired and irritable.
  • Tooth decay- Eating too much sugar can cause tooth decay. When we eat too much sugar, the bacteria in our mouth convert the sugar into acid, which damages the enamel of our teeth.
  • Skin problems- Excessive sugar intake is linked to skin problems. When we eat too much sugar, our body increases the production of a hormone called insulin. Increased insulin levels can lead to acne and other skin problems .
  • Fatigue- Eating too much sugar makes you feel tired. When we eat too much sugar, our sugar levels rise and fall rapidly, which makes us feel tired.
  • Swelling in the body- Eating too much sugar increases swelling in the body. This can cause damage to the arteries, which in turn is harmful for the heart. Also, increased swelling can cause pain in the body.
